Use circular blade the note

发布日期:2015-03-12    浏览次数:852

1. Do not use the round blades, the blade must be vertically to hang on the shelf of the dry, round blade can not be flat, flat circular blade deformation.

2. The circular blade serrate of hard, sharp ban collision, drop on the ground, must take put down gently.

3. The operation must work with masks, gloves, safety helmet, safety shoes, protective glasses.

4. When installing a circular blade, he has to confirm the performance of the saw bench, purpose, to ensure the circular saw blade cutting direction of the arrow and rotate in the same direction. It is forbidden to reverse direction installation, put in the wrong direction may lead to fall off the blade serrate, prevent accidents.

5. Installing a circular blade, must first to check whether there is crack on the circular blades, distort, filling-in, fall after the phenomenon such as tooth, install again.

6. After the installation, need to confirm that the center of the circular blade hole firmly fixed on the flange of sawing machine, have a gasket gasket set must be good; And then, with the hand gently push confirm that circular blades rotating eccentric rocking.

7. When using, do not exceed the prescribed maximum speed.

Prerotation before 8. Use: after changing new blade, prerotation one minute before the use, let sawing machine in working state, can be cut.

9. Round blade hardness requirement is very important, sometimes your material again good hardness requirement unreasonable blade can appear crack, soft mouth